Depressed Mommy 101

Journeying through the darkness of Post Partum Depression as seen through the eyes, a Russian Orthodox mother of 3.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Checking In

I thought it was time to give an update on my journey. I am doing very well and am feeling joyful most of the time. My anxiety is minimal and my energy level is up. My moods are stable and I am enjoying most every min. of the day. The sun is out, the weather is warm/hot, I have time to read and relax and the kids are on summer break. The therapy of choice right now is continuing my zoloft, getting plenty of rest, drinking tea all day long, reading spiritual material as well as "fluff", getting my chores done early and calling the rest of the day-gravy. I find as I lesson my prayer time during the day I get more anxious or moody. So a big key for me is staying close to God daily. Through out the day thinking about Him, praying to Him, pondering His creation and just being thankful. I realized that I no longer hate laundry. I actually enjoy folding the clothes and find it a time to pray and quiet my mind. Who'd a thunk it? I work at being less uptight about situations that are out of my control and am learning to roll with it. My therapist suggested that I take a break from "healing" and just enjoy where I'm at right now. So I am, and will check in with her in September. Therapy is no longer a tool for post partum depression, it's a tool for life long negative patterns to be changed. My journey was so not typical and I don't think every mom suffering would benefit from my experience. My orthodox faith is HUGE in how I look at the suffering I went through and how to face the future. I still would never wish this on ANYONE but I am so thankful to have gone through it. Well, time to go sit in the sun with some ice tea. Till next time.......hang in there.


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