Depressed Mommy 101

Journeying through the darkness of Post Partum Depression as seen through the eyes, a Russian Orthodox mother of 3.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

4 steps forward....1step back

I recently went on a women's retreat in Beaverton, Ore. with my good friend Theodora. We left in the afternoon and planned on leisurely driving to our hotel and having a nice quiet evening before Saturdays session. I really like driving to Portland, it's such an easy and pretty drive for us. However, we arrived in the Portland area around 8:30pm. I typically don't drive at night, nor do I drive freeways that often anymore. The map we had was almost cryptic in it's instructions. Needless to say we got lost and were heading south to Lake Oswego. While driving on the freeway, I noticed a car tailing me (typical in freeway driving) all of a sudden my thoughts started racing with a mind of their own. Here is how my brain went:
"Hmm, my chest hurts...I haven't had any must be the stress of driving....what if I had a heart attack right now right here....what would I do...what would Theodora do....what if I had to get off the freeway right now and it was a bad part of town....what if I had a panic attack that like I had before.............." Oh yea! that's how my mind went in a matter of seconds. All of a sudden my heart started racing, I felt the blood draining out of my body and my limbs going cold. I knew though that I wouldn't faint, and it was all in my head. So I quickly told my companion I just put myself into a panic attack. It left as quickly as it came. Whew! But I found talking about it immediately helped to dissipate it. I also knew that I'm on anti anxiety medication but may have break through anxiety. This was the first one though since May. It left me on edge and I'm still a little edgy. I try not to perseverate on the symptoms though and what I may be feeling at the moment. I move along to the next task at hand. I smile inside and out and remember to trust that God is in control. It was a lesson in feeling out of control . I am out of control of my life at times and of situations at hand and that's ok. I am learning to allow people and things in my life even when I'm not ready for them. I'm remembering not to panic and to be more Mary like then Martha. Even with this little , and I do mean little, setback I still am enjoying life. I'm wearing shorts in 55 degree weather (I refuse to accept that Winter is just around the corner) I'm planning on starting to skateboard with some other moms, I'm contemplating some dread lock action and I'm not even opposed to a tattoo or two. When I was thinking about this post earlier I kept imagining Dory from Finding Nemo singing, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." and I thought how appropriate that is for me. So I'll just keep swimming while learning a few new strokes to get me through the rough current.


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Fr. Matthew said...

On the skating. Tuck and roll, Tuck and roll.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger LJB said...

Your "just keep swimming" quote is wise counsel. I'm 90% together these days, but still have my 10% meltdowns, sometimes completely inexplicable and out of the blue. While usually short lived, too often when I have my own version of "backsliding" I can get lost in dread that I may be catapulting back to my truly dark days of fragmentation and chaos. If I can remember to "just keep swimming" and not freak out when the cracks come, perhaps I can get my feet back on firm ground again that much swifter. I've never seen the movie "Finding Nemo"...maybe I should!


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